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Released on July 13, 2022

New: Added more context info in 'Before_Drag_Set' and 'After_Drop_Set' events

You can call any macro from Before_Drag_Set and After_Drop_Set events of a set database. These events are fired when a set is being inserted in an estimate (via drag-drop, insert, replace or update set). Previously, it was not possible to determine where in the estimate the set was inserted. Two new properties were added to the ContextSetInfo object:



This object is available from the context parameter passed to macros:


Bug fix: QDVTools4XL Gantt–could not shift some lines in the planning

In a planning where some free tasks where defined, it was not possible to shift a group of lines by shifting the branch itself.

New: Improved estimate - article Data / Source of Row function

The new function keeps current sorted column and also current filter if possible, otherwise all articles are reloaded. In case article doesn't exist, there new is new message box. The old function used to display only articles which occurred after the found one, now it keeps already displayed articles as is. It works also when Reference column is hidden, the old one didn't.

Bug fix: QDVTools4XL Gantt – Correctly refresh the planning part according to the WBS

If some tasks are added to or removed from the current Gantt worksheet, the modifications were not always reflected in it. The new code checks more cases.

New: Can build reports from current quantities using the Create documents from scenarios window

The “Scenarios / Create document from scenarios” function has been extended so that you can use it with the current quantities, meaning that you won’t apply any scenario, you’ll just produce the documents from the current quantities.

The “Current quantities” appears as a regular scenario, in red in the list. When you have several scenarios checked, the “Current quantities” is always processed first regardless its location in the list because otherwise the quantities would be modified by the application of a scenario.



New: XLSM files supported in “Create documents from scenarios”

The window “Create documents from scenarios” supports Excel files with macros (*.XLSM)

New: Event On_Before_Create_Analytic_Report triggered when a B.I. report is generated from the “Create document from scenarios” window.

The On_Before_Create_Analytic_Report event is now triggered from the “Create document from scenarios” window exactly as when you create a B.I. report from the B.I. menu.