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Released on April 25, 2023

Bug fix: Wrong values in some WBS fields from minutes that were broken down by multiple values and summed

This only occurred with the WBS fields that were broken down by multiple values and the empty value <Not mentioned> was selected. And the field was defined as a single field with sums:


In such a case, the sum displayed in the WBS column was not correct, because it missed the part from the empty value.

Bug Fix: Operation is not valid on locked cells

When some of input fields were Locked in Set manager, then 'Source of Row' function (with ShowStoredValues) failed. Now these sheets in set (right panel) are unprotected before updating input fields.

Bug Fix: Invalid defined name 'HEADINGOFSET_Description' formula

In bottom panel of Minutes when some names like HEADINGOFSET_Description were used and the source (e.g. set description) was longer than 255 it failed. Now the whole description is displayed properly.

Change: Minutes bottom view panel, variables no longer truncated

Text (e.g. =VALUE_Description,..) longer than 250 was truncated to 250 due to Excel formula limit. Now also longer text is displayed in Minutes bottom view.

Bug Fix #3286: Impossible de trouver une partie du chemin d'accès

Improved handling of BridgeFileNameOfEstimate argument from ProMo+ containing \ or /. When the BridgeFileNameOfEstimate argument contained not allowed \ or / characters for file name it failed with DirectoryNotFound exception. Now user is informed about invalid file name.

Bug Fix: Tools\Performance Tuning - hide only last QDV7_CACHE dir (added by API to user's path)

When user selected custom path for QDV cache and one of directories contained QDV7_CACHE folder, the displayed path was truncated up to this QDV7_CACHE directory. Now whole user path is displayed. In addition added \QDV7_CACHE\ label as indication this directory is appended by QDV.