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Released on June 13, 2023

New: B.I. now supports database of the estimate and overhead minutes

You can push lines from the database of the estimate and from the overhead minute into the data sources as regular lines from the estimate. For this purpose, you have 2 new check boxes which are visible here:


These check boxes are stored everywhere as other parameters of data sources meaning that they are in the .qdvFldConfig files, in the Stimulsoft reports and in the Excel reports.

By default, these check boxes are not checked. You can check these boxes even if your estimate has neither database of estimate nor overhead minute.

Below is the resulting data source:


Data from the WBS are not pushed because there are no WBS data for the overhead costs minute or the database of the estimate. However, the description fields are fed with “OVERHEAD MINUTE” and “DATABASE OF ESTIMATE”.

A better approach to tell whether the lines are coming from the database of the estimate or the overhead minute is by checking the “TaskIndex” and “WBS_PositionOnScreen” column at the right of the data source because these columns are always included in data sources.


TaskIndex” contains “YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY” for the database of the estimate and “ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ” for the overhead minute.

WBS_PositionOnScreen” is -2 for the database of the estimate and -1 for the overhead cost minute.

These tasks are not real minutes so, in order not to take them into account in the total of the estimate they are set as options. Furthermore, for the same reason, all fields whose name end by _GLOBAL_ or _BRANCH_ are set to 0 for the corresponding lines.

When you create a data source form the API, you can also tell the engine whether you want to add the overhead costs minute or the database of the estimate. The API functions have been extended but the existing macros should work because the new parameters are optional.